Peppermint Oil For Fever And How To Use It

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Last Updated on October 7, 2024

Imagine that discomforting feeling you get when you’re coming down with a fever. Your body temperature alternates as though it has control over you. Peppermint oil is an essential oil for fever; they act as an essential oil fever reducer.

Well, fever can be dangerous but it is a way of putting off foreign invaders, bacteria, or viruses. Although they hurt, fever shows that your body is effective and efficient in doing its job. Surprised, right? Anyways, most bacteria in the body are harmless and a good number of them help the body. The best way to fight fever is by waiting it out.

Since you’re waiting out the fever, there are ways in which you can ease the pain and symptoms. One of the most recommended home remedies is the use of essential oils. Essential oils are very powerful when it comes to managing the symptoms and keeping the fever at bay. They serve as the tool used to reduce fever and maintain a strong immune system while your body fights out the invader.

We would now discuss the different essential oils for fever.

Peppermint Oil For Fever

It has a significant amount of antipyretic and menthol. With menthol serving as an active compound in peppermint essential oil, you can be sure of keeping fever at bay. Menthol modifies thermoreceptors, eases pain, and provides a cooling sensation.

For fast relief, mix peppermint with eucalyptus essential oil. For adults, peppermint oil is the best essential oil for fever; this is thanks to menthol and other properties. Carry out tests with a naturopath or a certified aromatherapist before using them on children.

Other Essential Oils To Reduce Fever

  • Lavender Oil

This sweet-smelling oil is known as the Queen of Sleep. Lavender helps soothe the nerve, makes you forget about all the stress, and relaxes your mind. This is possible thanks to the natural sedative that makes it gentle. It is recommended for children, babies, and adults as well.

Lavender is capable of killing germs and all sorts of viruses, bacterial or fungal because it is a potent antimicrobial. It also comes with pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. All of its properties make it the best natural remedy and give it the power to fight against fevers.

  • Eucalyptus Oil

Most people call eucalyptus the fever oil so this list would be incomplete without it. Eucalyptus reduces feverish symptoms using its minty, fresh scent and cooling effect. The essential oil helps to lower the body’s temperature and opens up the veins and arteries. Opening these parts, relieves blood pressure and allows oxygen filed blood to flow through the body.

The flow of blood and reduction of blood pressure helps ease inflammation and pain associated with a fever. Eucalyptus also helps fight bacterial, viral, and fungal infections in the body. It also helps in getting rid of germs that cause illnesses.

  • Frankincense Oil

This oil has been around for many years now, and it has been used as medicine for several illnesses. Frankincense is comprised of about 30 different active chemicals that help fight bacteria and viruses. This is one of the most beneficial oils that you can use to restore your health from fever.

Frankincense is high in alpha-Pinene; a bioavailable compound that helps in boosting immunity and reduce stress. It also contains antiseptic, sedative, tonic, astringent, disinfectant, and anti-inflammatory properties. All these help in fighting the fever. This is safe for children and adults.

Clinic USDA Organic Frankincense Essential Oil

  • Cinnamon Oil

It is known as circulatory diaphoretics which increases blood flow and warms up the body. The magic of cinnamon starts when the chills begin. The essential oil causes sweating to balance out your body temperature. The fever comes down when your body heat dries out your sweat.

Cinnamon oil contains different types of natural antibiotics. The oil is very effective in eliminating bacteria and viruses. By killing the germs in your body system, cinnamon oil fights and reduces fever.

  • Holy Basil Oil

As the mother of natural medicine and queen of herbs, holy basil is a fresh, sharp, and herbaceous-minty oil. It has so many nutrients, flavonoids, terpenes, and phytochemicals. Holy Basil is one of the most powerful herbs, and it has antipyretic properties.

This oil is best for fever reduction and it works as fast as aspirin when it comes to managing body temperature. Holy Basil oil is an antiviral, antibacterial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory oil. It kills the microbes that cause infection, reduces inflammation, and curbs pain.

  • Chamomile

Many individuals believe that chamomile oil is as gentle and sweet-smelling as lavender. It contains a wide range of bioactive phytochemicals that are useful for many illnesses. Aside from being very effective for fevers, Chamomile calms the nerves, eases the mind, reduces anxiety, and brings sleep.

When infected, the infected person must get good rest and enough sleep. For sleeping difficulty with children, babies, or adults, use the oil. The Roman chamomile cools down the temperature, while the German chamomile helps with chills.

Chamomile Essential Oil for Fever

Is Peppermint Oil Good For Covid 19?

Essential oils, including peppermint, are also called “natural remedies” or “alternative medicine” and are a treatment method most often used by people who want to use alternative options in combination with Western medicine.

Considering that it has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulating properties, peppermint oil is an excellent choice for all those who want to build a healthy immune system. In addition, it is widely known for its ability to reduce swelling and inflammation in the airways and nasal passages. However, it is important to emphasize that this oil, just like all the others, won’t defeat the virus, but can greatly alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

How Often Can I Use Peppermint Oil?

Less is more when using peppermint oil. Excessive doses can be very toxic to our body because it contains a compound called pulegone. It is recommended that cosmetic formulations should not contain more than 1% pulegone, although brands are very happy to circumvent this rule. Don’t use it without first consulting a doctor, as it can inhibit the body’s ability to metabolize drugs and increase the risk of side effects.

As far as the dosage is concerned, the most common for adults and children 12 years and older is 1 capsule, 3 times a day, although with the consent of the doctor it can be increased to 2 capsules, 3 times a day if it has been proven that the previous dose didn’t help relieve the symptoms. You can also mix peppermint oil with a carrier and apply 3 to 5 drops topically.

Does Olive Oil Reduce Fever?

Olive oil can indeed help reduce fever, although it should be combined with garlic. If you want to give a shoot to an alternative remedy before taking an ibuprofen pill, simply crush two cloves of garlic, add two tablespoons of olive oil and rub it on your feet before going to bed. You can put on thick cotton socks to avoid soiling the bedding. The fever should be gone by morning. Although very effective, it is not recommended for kids and pregnant women.

Does Coconut Oil Reduce Fever?

Based on some research, it has been proven that coconut oil, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, can help reduce body temperature. Given that it contains medium-chain triglycerides known for their antifungal, antibiotic, and antiviral potential, it’s an excellent remedy that almost everyone has in their medicine cabinet.

Does Castor Oil Reduce Fever?

Did you know that back in ancient Egypt, people used castor oil as a natural remedy to treat ailments such as eye irritation and to induce labor in pregnancy? Castor oil has many natural anti-inflammatory properties and is an excellent choice for massaging sore and aching muscles and joints, but there is not enough research to confirm its effectiveness in reducing temperature.

What Oils Should I Diffuse For Fever?

Do you remember that ugly feeling we get before a fever comes on? The worst thing ever! Fortunately, there are several essential oils that when placed in a diffuser can keep the fever at bay and can relieve cold and flu symptoms such as headaches, body aches, fatigue, and stuffy noses.

Feel free to add a few drops of peppermint, frankincense, lavender, or eucalyptus oil. The combination of 2 drops of eucalyptus oil and 1 drop of peppermint oil in a diffuser is our option whenever we need natural help in the fight against headaches and painful and blocked sinuses.

How To Use Essential Oils To Reduce Fever

Essential oils are natural helpers that help in curbing fever. They work best with cooling sweats, easing pain, and boosting immune systems. Essential oils disrupt the business of viruses and bacteria in your body system. Essential oils can be blended; meaning you can make a blend of a few oils to get the best effect.

For immediate relief, diffuse the oil and inhale. You can rub them on your skin to be absorbed for warmth. They also act as disinfectants for surfaces and the air. A few drops of essential oils with carrier oil will do the trick.

Conclusion On Peppermint Oil For Fever

When viruses, bacteria, or fungi strike your body system, essential oils are the best home remedy. These oils help in easing stress, curbing fever symptoms, and boosting your immune system. During this time, your healing process will not be jeopardized. You can stay away from pills and turn to nature instead.

Did you enjoy our article on essential peppermint oils for fever? We hope that you turn to our information if you encounter a fever at home. Share your thoughts with us in the comment box and send the article to your friends.

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