Does Coconut Oil Help With Keratosis Pilaris?

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Last Updated on October 15, 2024

Does coconut oil help with keratosis pilaris? Coconut oil the miracle oil with many of its health benefits for the skin or body cannot be underestimated.

Although dealing with Keratosis Pilaris is not really a big issue because it’s not a serious condition and can go on its own. But you might still be wondering if coconut oil does help with keratosis pilaris.

Keratosis pilaris which is commonly known as “chicken skin” is a non-infectious skin condition that is mostly not serious. But they tend to cause discomfort due to the itching that comes with it.

This skin condition can be found in children, teenagers, and adults. Keratosis pilaris looks like small hard bumps, forming a rough surface on the upper arm, thigh, and buttocks. There may also be swellings and redness on the affected area.

More light will be shed on whether or not coconut oil does help with keratosis pilaris. Let’s take a look.

How Does Coconut Oil Get Rid Of Keratosis Pilaris?

keratosis pilaris treatment coconut oil

Keratosis pilaris is a harmless skin condition that happens when there is a keratin buildup.

Keratin is a protein responsible for protecting the skin from things that are harmful to the skin and which may be infectious. The keratin build-up happens when there’s a blockage in the hair follicle opening. This is caused by a plug created by keratin.

Coconut oil contains components that exhibit properties that are medicinally useful. The type of coconut oil that is being referred to for its great benefit is unrefined coconut oil.

The unrefined coconut oil has components like medium-chain triglycerides that have properties that are antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral.

These properties are lauric acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid. The lauric acid, which is next to breast milk, helps in breaking down the keratin that has blocked the inside of the hair follicles. The antibiotic properties of the medium-chain triglycerides may help in preventing the reoccurrence of the skin condition.

Coconut oil also contains a trace amount of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins like vitamin E are good for skin repair and healthy skin maintenance. Coconut oil also has anti-inflammatory components that help in reducing inflammation, burning, discomfort, and redness.

With the breakdown of the component properties of the unrefined coconut oil, it is certain you’re already getting an understanding as to why coconut oil does help with keratosis pilaris.

How To Use Coconut Oil For Keratosis Pilaris?

Coconut oil remains one of the best options for treating keratosis pilaris. It is also safe to use because it contains no chemicals. Remember it’s the virgin type of coconut oil that should be used. Keratosis pilaris treatment with unrefined coconut oil will most likely not cause allergy.

Below you can find more info on how to treat keratosis pilaris using coconut oil.

Keratosis Pilaris Treatment Coconut Oil

There are two ways that are medically advised for treating keratosis pilaris and they are: inform of a scrub and a moisturizer.

·         Coconut oil exfoliating scrub

The coconut oil should be used in form of scrub to exfoliate the skin and then rinsed with apple cider vinegar.

Let’s take a look at how coconut oil does help with keratosis pilaris in form of a coconut oil exfoliating scrub and also how to make one.

What you need: Melted coconut oil, Brown sugar, Honey, and lemon juice.

  1. Pour two tablespoons of coconut oil into a container, and then add a tablespoon of brown sugar. To enhance the potency of the scrub, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and honey.
  2. Mix everything together into a paste. There you have your coconut exfoliating scrub. Apply and steadily massage the scrub into the area with the inflammation.
  3. Wait for some minutes before rinsing it off.
  4. Rinse out the scrub with apple cider vinegar if you want. Dab with a clean towel gently to dry off.

·         Coconut oil moisturizing body butter

After exfoliating with the coconut scrub, apply coconut oil moisturizing cream to the area. Let’s dive into how to make coconut oil moisturizing body butter.

What You Need: Coconut oil, Shea butter, Essential oil, and a coverable container.

  1. In a blender, put two parts coconut oil, add one part of shea butter, add a few drops of any essential oil then add a teaspoon of vitamin E.
  2. Blend the ingredients.
  3. Set aside into a bowl and then mix thoroughly till it’s smooth and buttery.
  4. Pour into the coverable container and cover it tightly.
  5. Gently apply and massage a small amount of the moisturizer into the affected area. This is to keep the area moisturized and to also avoid the skin condition from reoccurring.

Organic Coconut Oil, Cold-Pressed

What Can Make Keratosis Pilaris Worse?

This harmless skin condition can get worst when the skin gets too dry especially during the months of winter. Due to hormonal changes, it may also get worst during pregnancy for women and puberty for teenagers.

Keratosis pilaris is a result of when the keratin that is meant to fight off dangerous invaders to the skin gets clogged in the pores.

It thereby obstructs the hair follicle opening. This keratin build-up in the skin is still un-ascertained. But medical practitioners think it’s related to certain skin conditions like genetic diseases and atopic dermatitis. Keratosis pilaris is likely to happen to people with the following:

  • Eczema
  • Children or teenagers
  • Pregnant women
  • Dry skin
  • Ichthyosis
  • Obesity
  • Hay fever
  • Celtic ancestry

The following are what can make keratosis pilaris worst and also, ways to relieve the symptoms.

  • Bathing with hot water and getting the body exposed to water for so long can make keratosis pilaris worse. Having this in mind, endeavor to shower or have your bath with lukewarm water. Also, make sure you don’t spend so much time bathing.
  • Having dry skin makes keratosis pilaris get worst. Hence, endeavor to always keep your skin moisturized as a first measure to manage this skin condition. Always apply surplus amount of moisturizer on your skin immediately after taking a bath.
  • Using an abrasive sponge aggressively on the affected area and also applying and exfoliating the affected area in a harsh way can make things worst. The solution is to exfoliate and use a washcloth or loofah on your skin gently. This should be especially in the areas affected with keratosis pilaris. This improves the smoothness and appearance of the skin.
  • The friction from tight-fitting clothes will only make the symptoms of keratosis pilaris worst. Therefore, opt for loose-fitting clothing like tops, dresses, and pants, around your arm or thighs.

Additional Say About Managing Keratosis Pilaris

Does coconut oil help with keratosis pilaris? Frankly, there’s no certain cure for keratosis pilaris, but it can be managed. It usually goes on its own with age.

Keratosis pilaris can be managed by being treated to improve the appearance of the affected area. But improvement takes time, in fact, months of consistent treatment.

  • Seeing A Dermatologist

Normally, a dermatologist will prescribe treatment with moisturizer to bring about soothing relief from the itch, burning, irritation, and dry skin. Also, to improve the look of the skin from the rashes.

How does coconut oil get rid of keratosis pilaris

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