Quick and Easy Yellow Fly Repellent Recipes for Humans at Home

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There are several different yellow fly repellant recipes available on the market. However, a lot of them involve the use of harmful chemicals that you might not want your body to absorb. You can turn to do-it-yourself repellents instead. If you’re a fan of DIY projects, like me, then you’ll find this information on making a yellow fly repellent recipe for humans really useful.

1 The Best Repellent for Kids

Mix a fifty-fifty blend of water and witch hazel, then add fifteen drops of the oils you’ve chosen into the solution.

2 A Stronger and Better Option for Adults

Create an 80:20 mix of witch hazel and water, then add to that two teaspoons of vegetable glycerin and about 25 drops of the essential oils you’ve chosen.

3 Best for Older Kids and Adults

Add 25 drops of the essential oils you’d like to use into the cup of liquid castile soap and mix well. If your soap is scented, use essential oils that have a similar scent. 

4 The Best Alternative for Kids

Mix 15 drops of your chosen essential oil with coconut oil and slather that mixture onto the neck, legs, and arms of your kids before exposing them to the wild.

5 A Minty Repellent that Smells Great

Create a 2% solution by mixing 13 drops of the essential oil you’ve chosen with 35ml of your carrier oil. Olive and coconut oil make good carrier oils for such essential oils.

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Yellow flies can prove to be a real nuisance, and keeping them at bay can sometimes prove harder than most people tend to think. Fortunately, this article can help make your life a little more comfortable by helping you get rid of those pesky yellow flies at bay. Swipe up to read the full article!

Quick and Easy Yellow Fly Repellent Recipes for Humans at Home