Last Updated on October 17, 2024
If you’ve been wondering how to make Oregano Oil at home, then you are at the right place. In this article, you will learn more about oregano oil. We will be discussing some of the benefits, uses, how to make, and any other important information about the medicinal herb.
The history of oregano dates as far back as the ancient Greeks and Romans who had a high appreciation for the plant. The name ‘’Oregano” is derived from two Greek words “ganos” Joy and “oros” meaning mountain; this Translates oregano to mean “joy of the mountain”.
Oregano oil is an essential oil that is obtained from the Oregano plant. The herb has a lot of healing abilities. Study shows that oregano oil has a lot of medical application including in diabetes and cancer suppressants.
Table of Contents
Benefits of Oregano Oil
There have been a lot of studies on oregano oil to ascertain the health benefits of the oregano plant. The oil of oregano is used in the treatment of antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial infections. It is also a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. There are claims in alternative medicine that the oil can be used as a natural remedy for treating allergies, flu, colds, sinusitis, migraines, sore throat, and arthritis.
Some of the many benefits of oregano oil include
Respiratory Treatment
Oregano oil is used in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, colds, and flu. It is a major ingredient used in making herbal respiratory products. It helps to reduce the inflammation of the chest due to allergens. Its mode of action is to reduce the effect of allergens on the body. You can apply oregano oil on your chest and massage gently for relief from respiratory problems.
Treatment of Skin Infections
Skin ailments such as psoriases, eczema, rosacea, and candidiasis, can be treated by simply applying it with other essential oils. You can add a few drops of oregano oil to coconut, jojoba, or olive oil to the affected area of the skin. It is best to apply in moderation and use on a part of the skin first in case of allergies.
Muscle Pain and Arthritis
The strong anti-inflammatory properties of oregano oil make it suitable for relieving pain. You can make your homemade oregano oil and store it to use in the treatment of minor aches. All you need do is apply it to the affected area.
Insect Repellant
The oil of oregano in addition to other essential oil can be used in making a homemade insect repellant. Simply mix 25 drops of oregano oil and lemon oil or lavender, citronella, or peppermint oil in a spray bottle and add distilled water. Shake the bottle and then you can keep it in a cool dry place. To use, all you need do is spray the content on surfaces or dab it on cotton balls and keep it in cabinets and drawers.
You can also use the oil in your garden to repel insects. Simply apply the oil directly to the plants as the smell ward off insects from hovering around the plant.
Menstrual Pain
Oregano oil can also be used for the relief of menstrual pain. It works by stimulating the flow of blood to the pelvic region where it triggers uterine contraction, making menstrual flow less painful.
Animal Health
Oregano oil is also used in pet care and veterinary medicine
- As antibiotics for chickens.
- Used to relieve dogs of intestinal worms
- To treat skin conditions and parasites on pets.
- It can also be used in the treatment of arthritis in dogs.
How to Make Oregano Oil
You can make oregano oil at home following the simple guide below
- A large bunch of oregano leaves
- 1 cup of extra virgin olive, almond, or grapeseed oil.
- A sanitized jar with a lid
- A few cups of water
How to Prepare
- Boil the water in a pan for a few minutes and then switch off the heat.
- You can then take your fresh oregano leaves, dip them into the sanitized jar, and pour the oil on top of the leaves.
- Put the jar in the pan and allow the water to heat the jar. Make sure that the jar is covered. The direct heat application makes it possible for the oregano leaves to extract their oil.
- After 15 minutes, remove the jar from the hot water and keep it on the kitchen window. This is so it can get access to sunlight. Leave it for a week or two and remember to always shake the mixture every few days.
- After a week or two, drain the oil from the leaves into another container and keep it in a cool and dry place.
- You can preserve your homemade oregano oil by adding a few drops of grapefruit oil.
How Do You Make Oregano Oil From Dried Oregano?
Here’s your salvation for the next viral season:
Getting started: Ingredients & materials
- 1 cup of dried oregano leaves
- 1 cup of oil, extra virgin preferred, but you can also use grapeseed or almond oil.
- Glass jar with an airtight lid
- Finely chop the dry leaves off your oregano and put them in a jar.
- Cover it with the oil of your choice (you won’t go wrong if you choose olive, grape, or almond oil) giving it a quick stir before sealing the jar.
- Heat a saucepan of water and once it boils, add the jar and let it sit while boiling for about 10 minutes to activate the infusion process. This is the most important part of the process because as the oil heats up, the oregano leaves begin to release all of their healing and ethereal properties.
- Remove the jar from the warm bath, wipe with a dry cloth, shake and leave in a sunny place for up to 2 weeks. A south-facing windowsill is usually the best choice. Also, the glass jar should be shaken at least once a day to re-mix the ingredients.
After about two weeks, your dried oregano oil is potent and ready for use. Strain it into another airtight container or a dispensing bottle and that’s it.
How To Make Oregano Oil Capsules?
Here’s how to make capsules that have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties and won’t leak.
* We want to reveal a trick to you right at the beginning, if you use melted coconut oil and then keep it in capsules in the refrigerator, it will certainly not leak!
- Heat 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Don’t put it in the microwave, but in a tiny bowl that you will then place over a bowl of warm water.
- Add a few drops of oregano essential oil to the melted coconut oil. Two drops per capsule would be best.
- If you want to avoid staining the capsules, we recommend first pouring the mixture into an empty and clean eye dropper and then directly filling the capsules with it.
- Be sure to shake, wipe off the excess, and store it in the refrigerator.
You should get 8 to 10 capsules from this mixture.
How Do You Make Cold Pressed Oregano Oil?
Cold-pressed oil can be obtained in both ways, from fresh or dry leaves.
You will need about 1/2 a cup of dried or a large bunch of fresh oregano leaves and 1/2 cup of extra-virgin olive oil.
- If you use fresh ones, be sure to wash and dry them well. After that, cut the leaves with the sharpest knife you have to activate and release the essential oils. Also, you can crush them with a mortar and pestle, feel free to invest a little bit of your time and effort, it’s worth it. In case you decide to use the dried one, there is no special procedure, simply measure out 1/2 cup and that’s it.
- Repeat steps two and three of the guide on how to make oregano oil from dried oregano.
- Store the jar in a dry and dark place for about two weeks.
- Be sure to shake it once every two days.
- Strain through a strainer and store in a suitable airtight container or spray bottle.
How Do You Distill Oregano Oil?
The process of distilling oregano leaves takes place in a still and depending on the quantity can take anywhere from half to six + hours after the water boils. It is not advisable to cut or chop the plant because you risk losing the oil. The process is very simple, the only important thing is that the water never evaporates completely.
Here’s how it looks in a nutshell:
– Turn the heat to high in the boiler and let it boil.
– Turn on the water for the condenser.
– Once the water boils and the condensed water begins to flow, the essential oregano oil should begin to drip through the drip arm.
– The distillate is extracted through a funnel.
– After the process is complete, the mixture of hydrosol and oil should sit for at least 12 hours, after which they should be divided into two different containers.
– They should be stored in a glass container in a cool and dry place.
How to Neutralize Oregano Oil?
The best way to neutralize oregano oil is by combining it with carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil. It depends on the recipe, but the most common way is to add 5 to 6 drops of this essential oil to every ounce of carrier oil. In addition, a steam bath can also do a great job. Keep in mind that the concentration of oregano oil should not exceed 1%, as anything more than that can cause irritation, and in some cases even severe burns.
How to Extract Carvacrol from Oregano?
Carvacrol is a phenolic monoterpenoid found in many essential oils, including oregano. Its isolation is carried out by hydrodistillation using sodium bicarbonate to remove phenolic compounds and is extracted by heptane.
How to Make Oregano Oil Soap?
To make a super-fragrant homemade soap, you only need these three ingredients:
- 12 oz of melt and pour the soap base
- 30-40 drops of oregano oil
- Base for soap molds
- First, make a double boiler by placing a smaller pot in a larger, stainless steel bowl, and placing it on your stove.
- Melt the soap base.
- Once melted, add up to 40 drops of oregano oil. You can do more or less, depending on the intensity of the scent you want to achieve.
- Fill the soap molds and wait for them to cool and harden.
- Remove from molds & enjoy!
When applying oregano oil to your skin, you should try on a small quantity first on to shoulder or back to prevent skin reactions. Oregano oil is safe for use as an oral drug. It can also be diffused, diluted, or inhaled.
When taken in regular doses, oregano oil is safe but can result in stomach upset when taken in excess. You should take caution when using oregano oil if you happen to suffer from allergies when you use plants such as basil, sage, savory, mint, rosemary, and perilla. It is also advisable not to take oil of oregano during pregnancy as it can lead to miscarriage.
People who suffer from bleeding disorders are also advised to avoid oregano oil as it may increase the risk of bleeding.
There is no recommended dosage of oregano oil, but we advise that you consume a moderate amount and always ensure you take it in company with other essential oil to aid digestion.
Do you use oregano oil at home or in your garden? Do you also plant the leaves? We will like to hear from you in the comment section.

Lacey is an environmental enthusiast and passionate advocate for living green and sustainable. She believes that everyone can make a difference, no matter how small. Lacey is dedicated to reducing her own carbon footprint and educating others on the importance of living greener. She is an advocate for green energy and sustainable practices. She is an active member of her local community, volunteering with local conservation efforts, and taking part in sustainability initiatives. Lacey is a firm believer that the only way to ensure a sustainable future is to work together and make small, but important changes.