Having healthy teeth should be a priority for everybody. Our teeth are what helps us chew. Aside from that, healthy teeth can also significantly improve one’s self-confidence as it affects the quality of our smiles.
Lime is a citrus fruit. Typically, it has a green outer layer and a juicy yellow-green flesh on the inside. Due to its acidic properties, it helps well in eliminating plaque and bacterias in the teeth.
Heres the steps on how to make a Baking soda and lime dentifrice:1. Prepare a non-metallic mixing bowl, a clean toothbrush, and spoon together with your squeezed lime juice and baking soda...
Individually, baking soda and lime juice have their own unique benefits. However, when combined together, they become a better cost-efficient agent that helps maintain the health of the teeth. Although like other things, moderation should be imposed.