Why Do I Crave For Chocolate? 

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We want to start our day with cereals packed with fruits. And the rest of the day, we consume veggies and salads, and protein meals. But this is easier said than done. Most people find it challenging to go through a whole day without consuming a bar of chocolate. Some might not even be that hungry before their craving kicks in. Why so?

Low Blood Sugar

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Your blood sugar level drops when you wait too long before your next meal. This will, in turn, cause you to crave energy. And this energy is mainly gotten from foods high in sugar. Sugary food gives us a quick boost in energy.  

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-Stress -Habit -Magnesium Deficiency -Period

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There are several causes of your chocolate cravings. However, it is best to check your reasons and see if it’s worth hampering your quality of life. Instead of consuming chocolates, try eating fruits and veggies. Opt for frozen yogurt. Consider trail mix. Do this, and your cravings for a snicker’s bar will be reduced. 

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