DIY Stevia Extract Alcohol Free 

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Most stevia extract recipes use alcohol, as it is a common ingredient in most recipes. Though the alcohol does evaporate, making it safe for all ages, some people prefer to make it without. 

What is Stevia Extract?

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Stevia extract comes from the leaves of the stevia plant, which is also known as the candy leaf, sweetleaf, or sugar leaf. Native to Brazil and Paraguay, the stevia plant grows in wet, humid climates. Commercial cultivation of the plant began in the 1960s and soon spread across the world. 

What You Will Need to Make Stevia Extract Without Alcohol

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Ingredient – Distilled or pure filtered water – 1-2 teaspoons stevia white crystalline sugar extract – A dropper of glycerin (optional) Equipment: – Dropper – Funnel – Two-ounce glass dropper bottle

Step by Step Instruction

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Step One: Add water to Dropper Bottle Step Two: Add Stevia Sugar Step Three: Shake up the Mixture Step Four: Add a Dropper of Glycerin

Learning How to Make Stevia Extract Without Alcohol

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Knowing how to make stevia extract without alcohol is a great hack to have if you are looking for your own sugar-free sweetener. Making stevia extract can easily be done without alcohol if you are wanting to avoid using it. 

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