Differences Between Caffeine In Coffee And Yerba Mate 

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And while there are many ways caffeine can be useful to the body, you want to be careful not to drink too much. So how much exactly is the caffeine content in your cup of coffee and yerba mate? You can find out more here.

What Is Yerba Mate 

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The South American shrub is popular for its medicinal properties. It has more healing properties than green tea, which is one reason it is popular in many homes. But one of the many compounds contained in the shrub is caffeine, and it does contain more than your regular green tea 

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Benefits: -It helps improve mental wellbeing by stimulating the mind and body. -Aids in reducing bad cholesterol, obesity, type-2 diabetes, colon cancer, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. -You will also benefit from its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.  -It is also high in antioxidants which help aid in the body’s immune fighting abilities. 

What About Coffee?

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·Benefits: – Improve cognitive function leading to more mental alertness and productivity. – Due to its laxative properties, it can help with digestion. – It could also help in regulating glucose levels, helping to prevent the chances of type-2 diabetes. – Due to its antioxidative properties, it could help with widening the arteries reducing the chances of atherosclerosis.

Caffeine In Yerba Mate Vs Coffee

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Just how much coffee is in a cup of coffee and Yerba Mate? And if you have been following closely, you will guess it could be on the high side. In a cup of freshly brewed coffee, or Mate is nearly 80mg of coffee. But the aftereffect is different for both drinks.  

How Many Cups Should You Drink Daily?

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For coffee lovers, you should be able to get past the day with four cups of the beverage.  You can consume up to six cups of Yerba Mate daily, provided you get the proper diet. Pregnant women should reduce consumption by half, and you want to avoid using caffeine on kids. 

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