In this article we will discuss about the differences between degradable, biodegradable, and compostable. The hassle in the entire affair is the disposing of these plastics when they’ve served their purposes. So, please continue to read to find out.
Plastics at one time or the other are broken down after some time. In the case of biodegradable plastics, their decomposition is triggered by living things, such as bacteria and fungi. It’s worth mentioning that the keyword “degradable” implies that the plastics in question would be “broken down.”
The first is the exposure of the (plastic) bag to UV light. The other is the attainment of a 50 degrees Celsius that is needed to facilitate the degradation.
Also known as “oxo-degradable plastics,” biodegradable plastics are not broken down by living organisms, such as fungi and bacteria. Instead, they’re broken down by the chemicals used during their manufacturing. Points to Note about Degradable Plastics: the degradable plastics do not “return to the earth” but rather become invisible litters that create problems in both the eco-system and the environment.
Compostable plastics are undoubted, one of the most confusing of the different kinds of plastics. One may be misled to think that they could be thrown into the regular compost bins.
Some of the requirements needed for a hassle decomposition process are a specific mix of gases, the right temperature, the necessary microorganisms, and a particular environment, which is usually a composting facility.