Do They Bleach White Rice? 

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Without any further delays, let’s answer the question is white rice bleached? And shed light on the benefits of some of the best ways to enjoy it. Let’s dive in. 

Is White Rice Bleached?

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The only difference between the white rice and the brown variety is that the bran and husk have been milled off by a mechanical process with the former. This is as opposed to the common belief that the procedure involves the use of polish or bleach on brown rice.

Can You Eat White Rice?

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If you aim to restrict your daily consumption of fiber, then you will find it to be a good fit in your diet. Rich in added folate, pregnant women, could find it a better alternative to help with fetal development. But if you consume it regularly, there is nothing to worry about. 

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What Are The Risks? You should be aware that rice has a high level of arsenic contamination. And this is due to the poor soil conditions in any part of the world. A high intake of the compound can increase cancer risks, diabetes, and heart disease. It has also been linked to a reduction in brain function. 

How to Stay Safe with White Rice

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You want to consume less of it. The high arsenic level is one thing to be careful with. Large portions frequently would not have the same effect as daily consumption. So keeping your intake to the barest is what you want to work on. 

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