DIY Drawing Salve Baking Soda 

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There are many ways you stand to benefit from a traditional drawing salve using homemade ingredients, and you can be sure to find baking soda an essential addition. But before I share with you how I use baking soda to treat boils and injuries at home, let’s first talk about the medicinal benefits of baking soda. 

The Health Benefits of Baking Soda

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– Helps in the treatment of heartburn – It can be used as an organic mouthwash – It could be used as a natural teeth whitener – Works as a natural deodorant – Useful in relieving itching skin and sunburn – It can be used as a natural air freshener – Could help with dirty laundries and dishe

Drawing Salve Recipe with Baking Soda

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When it comes to using baking soda in a drawing salve, you want to be particular about using the best quality. This preparation works better in removing splinters from the skin; it could also be a safe treatment for a boil and prevent infection on an injury. 

Drawing Salve VS Baking Soda Mix

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When compared against the original black salve, you will find that the baking soda preparation does pack a hefty punch. But the difference is the black salve usually is corrosive to the skin, but you won’t suffer many complications with a baking soda mix. 

Do They Bleach White Rice? 

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